Thursday 8 September 2016

The First Day Part 2

So I have just done a runner, my girlfriend who I love gave me that bomb shell and I knowI should have stayed and talked but I had to go. The first thought in my mind was to go see my friend to get some advice which I did he was the first person I told and he agreed with me on what should be done, but the best quote I will ever hear probably came from that conversation he told me "If I am lucky the baby might even have 2/3rds of my genes" because apparently if the baby is the same sex as you or looks more like you than your partner then that baby has 2/3rds of your genes and only 1/3rd of your partners. we chatted for a while whilst he worked on his car but he did his best to make me feel better but I knew he was just as shocked as I was.

The next person I told was my sister, I told her to meet me at the shop as I had some news, her instant reaction when I told her was that I was a dumb ass for letting it happen but also for running away I should be with Beth talking not talking to her. The conversation with her didn't really have anything of note in it other than her telling me not to worry it would all work out and I would be fine.

Finally the last person of the day to tell was my Dad and let's just say he didn't take it very well at all. He shouted and screamed the house down about how bad it was and how I won't cope I am too young etc... I didn't really have a lot I could say I just let him blow off his steam till the room was silent for a while and decided to go back to Beth to speak to her. I didn't blame my Dad for feeling like that he was in as much shock as I was and I know he will eventually come round as he has always been  the more understanding parent.

The last part of this most hectic day was going back to talk to Beth I still couldn't face her mother but we went out instead on a short walk stopping to sit in the field next to the college, I have to admit sitting there I was the most scared even though I am still scared now that point there sitting next to her has been the most scary part of my life. I won't go into to much detail about what we were talking about as a lot of the conversation was very controversial about what we were going to do whether we would still be a couple or not and other things on top. our conversation didn't really  get any were as we disagreed on a lot of the points but I know we will work on it and make this bad situation into something good, after that I went home and slept sound all night not a trouble sleeping at all I guess all of the drama and stress caught up to me and at that point I didn't want to believe it was real I wanted to go back to watching my youtube video when I didn't have a care in the world but that time has passed and I have to wake up to reality.

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